Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA |
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Document Approved by the FTAA Trade Negotiations Committee |
1. At the Ministerial Meeting held on 1 November 2002 in Quito, Ecuador, the Trade Ministers of the FTAA countries approved the Hemispheric Cooperation Program (HCP) and indicated that it is to be treated as a priority by all governments. In accordance with the Quito Declaration, the Hemispheric Cooperation Program is intended to strengthen the capacities of countries seeking assistance to participate in the negotiations, implement their trade commitments, and address the challenges, and maximize the benefits of, hemispheric integration. The Ministers instructed the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) to continue supervising the development of the HCP, with the support of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies (CGSE), and agreed that a key component for achieving swift, effective progress under the program is the formulation of national and/or subregional strategies to strengthen countries’ trade-related capacities. 2. At its Seventeenth Meeting, held in Panama on October 8 to 9, 2002, the CGSE agreed to adopt a standard format for the formulation of the strategies, which was prepared by the Tripartite Committee and approved by the CGSE at its Nineteenth Meeting (29-30 January 2003). The CGSE requested the support of the Tripartite Committee and other donors for the drafting of the strategies. 3. At the Twenty-First Meeting of the CGSE, the CGSE approved the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Hemispheric Cooperation Program (FTAA.sme/12), the purpose of which is to propose mechanisms for the implementation and financing of the program. Among other activities, the Action Plan establishes that meetings be held with development and finance officials of donor countries, international cooperation institutions and agencies, and interested private entities, to discuss the financing and implementation of the HCP, with a view to finalizing said cooperation. Initial meeting between donors and countries requesting assistance 4. As part of the process to implement the HCP, and as agreed at the Fourteenth TNC Meeting, held in San Salvador, the initial meeting between potential donors and those requesting assistance for the implementation of the HCP was held in Washington, DC, on 14 and 15 October 2003. The meeting was sponsored by the CGSE and hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). 5. The inaugural session was presided over by the President of the IDB. Statements were made by the FTAA Co-Chairs, the Secretary General of the OAS, and the representative of the Executive Secretary of ECLAC. 6. The meeting also was attended by ministers, vice-ministers, ambassadors, and other high-level representatives of the countries participating in the FTAA process, as well as by bilateral donors, and regional, hemispheric, and international institutions. In accordance with the agenda approved by the CGSE, the Chair of the CGSE gave a presentation on the HCP and the process proposed for matching assistance needs and donors. The Tripartite Committee made a presentation on the process of preparing the strategies and presented a summary of the common cooperation needs identified in them. 7. The main focus of the meeting was on national and/or subregional sessions with potential donors for the countries’ presentation of specific strategies and projects, the definition of dialogue modalities, and the organization of future roundtable meetings. In total, 1 subregional strategy and 26 national strategies were presented. 8. The main results of the meeting are as follows:
9. Future actions:
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