Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA |
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Public FTAA -
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The FTAA Process has a significant impact on all nations in the economic, financial, intellectual property areas and other related matters dealing with the exchange of goods and services between the countries of the Hemisphere. It should also be emphasized that the impact of this process goes beyond those specific areas, influencing diplomatic ties, strategic perspective for national and regional development and cooperation opportunities. In summary, the FTAA Process is not merely an economic process; it is a social political process of the utmost importance. The level of understanding of how the FTAA Process will affect the distinct Latin-American sub-regions and the different national cases is deficient. There are no evaluations or assessments of the medium and long term socio-political consequences of decisions that are or will be made in each of the negotiating groups and within the to be established FTAA general framework. The outcome of this economic complementation process and trade liberalization will impact on the governable democratic capacities and opportunities that require strengthening in the Latin-American and Caribbean Regions. There is very little exchange of ideas on the FTAA Process and the national and sub-regional impacts. All the aforementioned requires specific actions aimed at strengthening the capacity of the regional and national academic and research centers to provide substantive information on the above-mentioned impacts and create places for dialogue and reflection between official and academic bodies that could assess, in a non-attributive manner and with a broader perspective, the different consequences and implications of the current process. WE RECOMMEND 1.That the OAS, the IDB and other regional international organizations promote and support, in an effective and material manner, the development of hemispheric, sub-regional and national research on the consequences for the areas outside trade. 2. To demand that the hemispheric governments support and finance independent studies on the impact of the global and specific decisions of the FTAA Process. 3.That the Protempore Secretariat of the Summit of the Americas promote and support hemispheric and sub-regional dialogue, organize centers for studies and/or think tanks with high-ranking officials from the governments involved in the negotiation and persons representative of civil society organizations that are involved and directly interested in the process. |
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