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SYNOPSIS OF EVENT The Second Issue Meeting of the Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA) Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of
Civil Society (SOC) was held in Santiago, Chile on 23 September 2003, and
focused on the services negotiations. The meeting proceeded in accordance with the agenda, attached
hereto. The participants from civil society throughout the Hemisphere (see
attached list) represented a variety of organizations from different spheres of
civil society: non-governmental organizations, industry, labor, academia,
professional associations, as well as representatives from sub-federal
government. Also in attendance were several delegates from the SOC, the Chair of
the Negotiating Group on Services (NGSV), as well as the representatives of
several countries to the NGSV. A total of fifteen countries participated in the
meeting. See attached list. The event was held at the headquarters of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The forum was
formally opened with introductory remarks by the Chair of the SOC Mr. Luis
Fernando Peredo, Mrs. Alicia Barcena, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC, and
Mr. Osvaldo Rosales, Director General of International Economic Affairs for
Chile. The speakers emphasized the need for civil society participation in the
FTAA process and the importance of the issue selected as the focus of the
meeting. The Chair highlighted the importance of carrying out these
issue meetings in order for civil society to participate and learn about what is
being negotiated; he reminded the participants that the objective of the issue
meetings is to provide civil society with an opportunity to participate in the
process through direct dialogue with the SOC. The Chair expressed the wish to
facilitate the exchange of ideas with civil society and assured the participants
that the submissions from the civil society representatives would be transmitted
to the other FTAA entities. The Chair also reminded the participants of the Open
Invitation extended to civil society to make submissions via the FTAA official
web site at The Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Barcena,
reported that ECLAC was proud to host the meeting in its headquarters in
Santiago and that it intends to establish a space for dialogue between SOC
members and civil society representatives. She pointed out that the FTAA is a
vast project that faces huge challenges given the asymmetries in terms of the
size and level of economic and social development of the countries involved in
the negotiations. Ms. Barcena stressed that the enormity of this challenge is
such that, as ECLAC has repeated on several occasions, the possibilities of the
FTAA being translated into real benefits for all its members will largely depend
on how these asymmetries are addressed. In acknowledgement of the asymmetries
already existing among the countries, she emphasized the importance of
developing countries having the necessary freedom to adopt active investment and
production diversification policies. Ms. Barcena concluded by pointing out that
this was the only way to reinforce the fragile production structures of many
economies and, at the same time, foster new, sustainable and dynamic comparative
advantages. The Director General of International Economic Affairs for
Chile, Osvaldo Rosales talked about the characteristics of the FTAA process and
the need to understand what it is not and what it cannot deliver. He stressed
that FTAA was not a development strategy nor a political model and it cannot be
expected to solve international crises or macroeconomic instability or income
inequality. FTAA can, nevertheless help countries to gain market access for
their exports and this is why Chile is very interested in the negotiations. Mr.
Rosales also emphasized the importance of services, especially high-tech
services, to the FTAA economies, including natural-resource based economies like
Chile, and the need for implementing competitive policies in this sector. He
addressed the issue of regulatory sovereignty, and how Chile retained its
ability to regulate its respective sectors in the USA-Chile FTA and other FTAs.
Special mention was given to public health services and services related to
education and culture. He also referred to the importance of transparency in the
negotiations and to civil society participation highlighting that Chile has made
a proposal to create a consultative committee for civil society participation in
the FTAA to ensure the effective integration of labor, business and
non-governmental organizations into the initiative. Negotiations on Services in the FTAA: What is it all about? Presenters: Mr. Hillary Deveaux, Chair of the Negotiating Group on
The civil society representative, Mr. Claudio Lara from
Consumers International. Mr. Hillary Deveaux described his role as the Chair of the
NGSV and congratulated Chile as one of the countries that has made an effort to
educate the public and prepare them for the FTAA. He referred to the importance
of the thematic meetings as a means of providing civil society with a better
understanding of the issues being negotiated. Mr. Deveaux assured the participants that the NGSV regards
the submissions made by civil society as very important, and assured the
participants that the NGSV has considered the concerns of civil society
submitted in response to the open invitation. He emphasized the importance of
services as one of the most important areas of the FTAA negotiations, as it has
become a substantial and growing component of world trade. The NGSV Chair
described how services are traded, how trade in services differs from trade in
goods and identified for the group, the goals of services liberalization. The
NGSV Chair also provided the participants with a brief report on the state of
the FTAA services negotiations, highlighting the following issues: differences
in levels of development and size of economies, modalities for services
liberalization and WTO-plus elements of the FTAA chapter. (please see attached
presentation of the NGSV Chair). Mr. Claudio Lara discussed three main issues in his
presentation: Progressive liberalization, what does this mean? Beyond the services agreement in the WTO Issue of regulation, what is the type of regulation
that will be decided on? He stressed that importance for consumer protection
regulations to be developed, along with the obligations being developed in the
Chapter and the need for impact assessment studies to be developed incorporating
the position of different institutions from the civil society. He stressed the
importance of taking into account the differences in size and development of the
countries participating in the process and the need to safeguard regulatory
sovereignty, particularly in areas of health, education and cultural services.
Specifically, he proposed the following points: 1. An extensive evaluation of GATS Art. 19 before
proceeding in the FTAA negotiations Remarks on the FTAA services negotiations in general: Comments were made by representatives from academia, labor,
industry, health interests, and representatives of sub-federal government. Concerns were expressed regarding the “mercantilization” of
basic services, such as education, health, cultural services, etc, that is
treating them as any other tradable merchandise. Some participants supported the
exclusion of these services from negotiations to preserve the regulatory ability
of the State and the implementation of active policies to promote their
development. A Chilean government representative made the remark that
liberalization of services does not mean the loss of regulatory sovereignty. Others expressed the view that services liberalization would
contribute to the FTAA’s goals of fostering economic growth and opportunity,
raising living standards, promoting regional integration, and strengthening
democracies. They stated that services trade and investment liberalization will
be beneficial to all countries in the hemisphere - large and small, developed
and developing - and serve as a multiplier to increase competitiveness across
entire economies. Services are the basic building blocks of a market economy,
including telecommunications, legal services, accounting services, efficient
distribution services, financial services, and audiovisual services. With respect to public health, the view was expressed that
access to health services is an essential right, and should therefore be
identified for special treatment under the Chapter or for exclusion. One
organization expressed concerns about trade agreements raising the costs of
providing basic services and therefore limiting access to consumers. It also
expresses the view that trade agreements will make small economies dependent on
big pharmaceutical multinational firms and the need to protect local production
in developing countries. Issues were also raised with respect to telecommunications
and labor issues. Some civil society representatives raised the concern that
the transfer of technology accompanying foreign direct investment was not
appropriate. Other participants expressed the view that the growth of
services-related firms and investment contributes to new and enhanced
infrastructure development, creation of new jobs, transfer of technology,
know-how and employee skills-training, and the creation of enterprises and
citizens capable of competing successfully in the countries of the Hemisphere
and the global economy. Some participants called for the gradual implementation of
measures that allow greater regulatory flexibility to governments, and requested
support for the revision of commitments and the possibility of withdrawing
commitments. A request was made for proactive responses to the civil
society submissions. Concerns were raised by some participants regarding the
number of FTA’s being concluded without sufficient participation from civil
society. It was expressed that without the participation of civil society, these
agreements would not adequately reflect the concerns of civil society. These
civil society representatives called for greater information about negotiations,
greater transparency and funding for programs to educate local populations on
the implications of the FTAA. Some organizations advocated a referendum to
approve the final version of the FTAA. Other delegates also reported on their satisfaction with
their own national experiences with respect to establishing mechanisms to
promote dialogue with civil society and the dissemination of information to the
public. Regarding the modalities for service negotiations, some
participants favored a positive list approach because it would give small
countries more time to prepare to compete, while others supported a negative
list with only limited exceptions and with the standard being one of openness
and non-discrimination across all sectors. Several participants also remarked on the importance of the
service negotiations taking the four supply modes into account. Specific issues related to services were identified for
discussion, namely, professional services and cultural industries. Professional services: Presenters: The government representative: Liliana Honorio, FTAA
Director, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), Peru.
The civil society representative, Elias Arze, Colegio
de Ingenieros de Chile. Liliana Honorio’s presentation considered the issue of the
movement of natural persons, specifically with respect to the current situation
in the region and the debate in the WTO and the FTAA. Participants considered
the importance of the international movement of persons. Mr. Arze spoke on the theme of professional services,
specifically on the experience of getting mutual recognition of titles and
professional qualifications for engineers in Chile and Canada under a MOU to
effectively implement the provisions of the Chile-Canada FTA. He stressed the
problems they encountered and how they have tried to solve them, especially
those due to the federal character of Canadian government which requires the
approval of provincial authorities. These agreements provide for diverse
fundamental elements for the improvement of the delivery of cross border
professional services, such as: Education as a foundation for the development of
The continual updating of professional skills
incorporating new trends and changes in technology
The training of professional in language as a tool to
facilitate trade in services.
The harmonization of code of ethics among countries
Non-discriminatory treatment among professionals
General Remarks on Professional Services: Some civil society representatives expressed the view that as
in the case of NAFTA, they expect that the FTAA will benefit the countries that
participate. One participant cited the opportunities that FTAA would create for
professional services firms involved in architectural, engineering, and other
design services, international consultancy, legal and financial advisory
services. In the area of services, some participants commented that there are
many opportunities for small and developing countries and invited all countries
to open their doors and facilitate regional trade in services. Other
participants expressed concern with respect to liberalizing trade in
professional services and suggested that the professional services sector in the
participating countries would suffer as a result of liberalization. Cultural Industries: The government representative: Luis Pablo Niscovolos,
Deputy Director for Multilateral Economic Negotiations, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, International Trade and Religion, Argentina. The civil society representative, Paulo Slachevsky
Coalition for Cultural Diversity - Publishers of Chile (Coalición Chilena
para la Diversidad Cultural - Editores de Chile) Luis Pablo Niscovolos discussed the difficulty of defining
cultural industries and considered how countries could take reasonable measures
to protect their culture and heritage, specifically referring to the debate in
the WTO. One option highlighted was not to exclude cultural industries, but to
address particular sensitivities through the commitments undertaken. Paulo Slachevsky suggested that local cultures are loosing
their identities, and asserted that the global market is not geared towards the
development of culture. Mr. Slachevsky stated that market access provisions
should not apply to cultural industries and recommended the use of
discriminatory provisions with respect to culture and education. He asserted
that the future of local cultural and education policies should not be limited
by the FTAA or any bilateral trade agreement. General remarks on Cultural industries and the FTAA: Some civil society representatives expressed the view that
the provisions of trade agreements should not apply to culture, and furthermore,
that local culture should not be left to compete without protection from the
government. The concern regarding the asymmetries between participating
countries was raised once again in this regard. Certain civil society
representatives were not pleased about the consideration of culture as one topic
within the issue of the entertainment industry, holding that this would devalue
its role in the development of society as a whole. It was therefore established
that culture would represent a contribution of the integral development of each
country, reflecting its identity and image through various forms of expression,
through the creation of cultural industries and not only through trade. Other civil society representatives expressed the view that
the FTAA negotiations should ensure coverage of all service and sub-service
sectors, including audiovisual services and other services containing cultural
content. The audiovisual sector is an important economic force, creating jobs,
promoting tourism, and helping to pay for the build-out of expensive e-commerce
networks. They argued that cultural diversity and trade are mutually
reinforcing, since diverse cultural traditions and values are reflected in film
and television industries throughout the hemisphere, and trade finances
production of new films and enables diversity. The measures provided for in the
draft text in the services chapter, provide sufficient flexibility to
governments to protect local culture while providing market access and certainty
in the rules of trade. These representatives suggested that the way forward was
to pursue greater cooperation and joint ventures between cultural actors in the
hemisphere, citing specific examples of workshops around the Hemisphere and
collaborations on feature films and TV programs between U.S. industry and
industry in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and Venezuela, tailored to local
and regional audiences. This will require greater openness and the removal of
barriers to trade. Some civil society representatives expressed their concern
regarding their perception of the lack of information being made available to
the public and the failure of governments to fund programs designed to educate
the public and disseminate information related to the FTAA process. Others
mentioned the willingness of civil society representatives to participate in the
negotiations on matters related to the cultural industries sector, provided that
this is done within a framework of fair and equitable negotiations. Still other participants suggested that a separate chapter
should be negotiated dealing specifically with issues related to culture. Roundtable Discussion: During the Roundtable discussion, government and civil
society participants spoke on a variety of topics that are reflected in the
written submissions attached. These can be summarized as follows: The existence of a variety of national and regional
civil society consultation mechanisms in countries participating in the FTAA,
which may be appropriate to different countries’ needs and reflect their
levels of development (e.g. public meetings may be used more frequently as a
communication tool in countries where there is not widespread internet
Concerns regarding the effect of the FTAA on the
distribution of wealth in participating developing countries.
The lack of participation by civil society in the FTAA
The need to develop further mechanisms for greater
consultation and the expression of different contributions received from
civil society.
The establishment of a special FTAA committee that
would include civil society representatives. The delegation of Chile
presented a proposal for the creation of a Consultative Committee on Civil
Society, upon the entry into force of the FTAA, whose main task would be to
develop information systems for civil society, as well as facilitating
dialogue among the various entities. The possible composition, guidelines,
as well as coordination with FTAA entities were included.
Prior to the close of the issue meeting, it was announced
that a third issue meeting focusing on the issue of intellectual property rights
would be held in the Dominican Republic in the first quarter of 2004. A fourth
civil society issue meeting will be held in the United States in the second
quarter of 2004, on the topic of industrial and consumer goods market access,
with a special session on small- and medium-sized business.
Finally, the Committee Chair closed the event, thanking the
civil society organizations for participating and requested suggestions from
civil society on improving the established mechanisms for facilitating dialogue
with civil society. The Chair assured the participants that the Committee would
channel the contributions received throughout the event to the appropriate FTAA
entities, while recognizing the need to strengthen the mechanisms established to
facilitate better and broader participation.
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