Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA

español - français - português


Candidate Sites
for the FTAA Secretariat

What's NEW?

Joint Communiqué of Co-Chairs
February 24, 2005

Click here for the latest news


Press Communiqués

Key Documents

Third Draft FTAA Agreement
Hemispheric Cooperation Program
Guidance and Instructions to the FTAA Entities
-Trinidad and Tobago, October 2003
San Salvador, July 2003
Puebla, April 2003

Methods and Modalities for Negotiations

Guidelines or Directives for the Treatment of the Differences in the Levels of Development and Size of Economies
Overall Architecture of the FTAA Agreement (General and Institutional Issues)
Invitation to Civil Society
"We recognize and welcome the interests and concerns that different sectors of society have expressed in relation to the FTAA. Business and other sectors of production, labor, environmental and academic groups have been particularly active in this matter. We encourage these and other sectors of civil societies to present their views...."
Ministers Responsible for Trade in the FTAA participating countries , San José, Costa Rica, March 1998

We invite members of civil society to send us their contributions in writing.   Please see the open invitation to Civil Society.


Please direct questions about the FTAA process to the national Governmental Contact Points

About the FTAA
Summits of the
Draft FTAA
Trade Negotiations
Negotiating Groups
Special Committees
Civil Society
Trade and Tariff
Links to FTAA

This site was last updated
on June 21, 2006