Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA |
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Investment Agreements in the Western Hemisphere: A CompendiumTrade and Integration Agreements
VII. Settlement of Disputes Between a Contracting Party and an Investor | B. Arbitration | 2. Consent North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Each Party consents to the submission of a claim to arbitration in accordance with the procedures set out in this Agreement. (Article 1122 (1)). The consent given by paragraph 1 and the submission by a disputing investor of a claim to arbitration shall satisfy the requirement of: (a) chapter II of the ICSID Convention and the Additional Facility Rules for written consent of the Parties; (b) article II of the New York Convention for an agreement in writing; and c) article I of the Inter-American Convention for an agreement. (Articel 1122(2)). Free Trade Agreement of the Group of Three among Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela (Group of Three) Each Party consents to the submission of a claim to arbitration in accordance with the procedures set out in the Agreement. (Article 17-18(4)). Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR)
Andean Pact
Caribbean Community and the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM)
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