1. Constitution of the Tribunal
The arbitral tribunal will have three members. . Each Party shall appoint an arbitrator within two months. . The two arbitrators are required to select, within the next two months, a national of a third State, who serves as Chairman of the tribunal. When a Party does not select an arbitrator or agreement cannot be reached on the designation of the Chairman, the President of the International Court of Justice might be entrusted with the responsibility of making the appointments. There are also additional provisions to cover cases when the President is a national of either Party or is otherwise prevented from fulfilling this function. (Article 9 (2) (3) (4) (5)).
2. Procedural Rules of the Tribunal
The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure. Decisions of the tribunal shall be definitive and binding on both Parties. (Article 9 (6) (7)).
3. Applicable Law
No reference.