1. Constitution of the Tribunal
An arbitral tribunal shall be constituted ad hoc. . Within two months of the request of arbitration, each Party shall appoint an arbitrator. . The two arbitrators are required to select, within the next three months, a national of a third State who serves as Chairman of the tribunal. When the appointments cannot be made within these time limits, the President of the International Court of Justice might be entrusted by either Contracting Party with the responsibility of making the appointments. There are also additional provisions to cover cases when the President is a national of either Party or is otherwise prevented from fulfilling this function. . Regarding costs, each Party is required to bear the expenses of its own member of the tribunal and of its representation in the proceedings, while the costs related to the Chairman are to be paid for equally by the Parties. The Tribunal may, however, direct that a higher proportion of the costs be paid by one of the Parties. (Article 12 (3) (4) (5)).
2. Procedural Rules of the Tribunal
The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure. Decisions of the tribunal shall be taken by a majority of votes and shall be binding on both Parties. (Article 12 (5)).
3. Applicable Law
No reference.