Investment Agreements in the Western Hemisphere: A Compendium
Treaty Between Argentina and the United States
14 November 1991
Subject: I. Scope of Application
A. Definition of Investment
The term "investment" means every kind of investment in the territory of one Party owned or controlled by nationals or companies of the other Party, such as equity, debt, and service and investment contracts. This general definition is illustrated by a non exhaustive list of five groups of specific rights, including: traditional property rights; rights in companies; monetary claims and titles to performance directly related to an investment; intellectual property rights; and, any right conferred by law or contract, and any licenses and permits pursuant to law. (Article I (1) (a)).
B. Definition of Investor
C. Application in Time
Date of signature: November 14, 1991 Entry into force: October 20, 1994 Duration: Ten years. After that period, the Agreement will remain in force unless either Contracting Party notifies in writing the other Party of its intention to terminate it. The Agreement applies to investments existing at the time of entry into force, as well as to investments made or acquired thereafter.