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CIVIL SOCIETY AT THE NATIONAL/REGIONAL LEVEL Additional information on best practices and illustrative
examples of consultations with civil society at the national/regional level, as
provided by delegations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and
Culture of the Argentine Republic, through the Secretariat of International
Trade and Economic Relations and its dependent institutions, is carrying out
several activities to promote the participation of civil society in the trade
negotiations. These activities include: distribution of information on
trade negotiations in which the Argentine Republic is involved, calls for
briefings on the negotiation processes, timely consultations on issues of
interest to civil society, and participation in seminars and workshops on trade
negotiations. Furthermore, Argentina has established four institutional
mechanisms for civil society participation: the Mercosur Economic and Social
Consultative Forum, the International Trade Council, the Civil Society
Consultative Council, and the Parliamentary Working Group. The goal of these initiatives is to allow for follow-up and
broad-based civil society participation in the architecture of Argentina’s
position as it is presented in the various negotiations in which our country is
involved. Mercosur Economic and Social Consultative Forum The Mercosur Economic and Social Consultative Forum,
established in the Ouro Preto Protocol of December 1994, comprises
representatives of various economic and social sectors of the four Mercosur
Member States. The national sections that compose the Forum are autonomous
in their organization and may independently choose their participating entities.
In the case of Argentina, the Forum consists of representatives of the Argentine
Industrial Union, the Argentine Chamber of Commerce, the Argentine Rural
Society, the General Confederation of Labor, and the Argentine Consumer
Association (ADELCO). The Forum acts as a consultative body and formulates
recommendations for the Mercosur Common Market Group. International Trade Council The International Trade Council, created in November 2002 on
the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, comprises
representatives of 30 academic and business entities from the Argentine
Republic. The Council meets monthly with government officials
responsible for trade negotiations and who represent the various government
agencies that participate in these negotiations. Prior to each meeting, the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs submits briefings on the status of trade
negotiations, which are subsequently analyzed by the Council. The Council fulfills consultative duties and submits its
contributions to the Secretariat of Trade and International Economic Relations
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Civil Society Consultative Council The Civil Society Consultative Council, created by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina in December 2002, comprises
representatives of 65 academic, business, union, and consumer entities, as well
as non-governmental organizations, interested in the development of the
negotiations for the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The Council meets monthly with government officials
responsible for the Free Trade Area of the Americas negotiations and who
represent the various government agencies that participating therein. The goal
of the Council is to analyze the progress of the FTAA negotiations, through
discussion on each of the substantive issues in the hemispheric process. Prior to each meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
distributes the draft chapter corresponding to each FTAA entity, as well as a
briefing on the position of Argentina and Mercosur on the issue being
considered. Particpants may make contributions, suggestions, and comments
regarding each of the negotiating themes. The Council fulfills consultative duties and submits its
contributions to the Directorate for North America and Hemispheric Affairs of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Parliamentary Working Group The Parliamentary Working Group, created in December 2002 on
the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, comprises
legislators from the various committees of the legislative branch of government
that work in trade negotiations: Foreign Affairs, Trade, Industry, Agriculture,
Mercosur, Integration, and Trade Negotiations. The Working Group meets monthly with trade negotiation
officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. The goal of the
Working Group is to conduct ongoing monitoring of the negotiations in which the
Argentine Republic participates. Prior to each meeting, briefing documents on
the status of trade negotiations are distributed. Consultations and Distribution of Information In addition to these institutional mechanisms to promote the
participation of different sectors of civil society, the Government of Argentina
has further opportunities to communicate with those sectors interested in trade
negotiations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has posted permanent
information on its web page about the country’s trade negotiations, including
the FTAA Draft Agreements. Further information on these processes is available
electronically and also published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine
Republic. Working meetings are also conducted to report on the progress
of the negotiations and to request timely contributions from civil society on
issues under consideration in each of the negotiating processes. Seminars and/or
workshops are organized for different entities interested in the progress of the
negotiations. Finally, briefings and assessments are conducted before and
after the Ministerial and the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) meetings of the
FTAA. Similar meetings are held after the meetings of the FTAA Negotiating
Groups in which sectors interested in the substantive negotiations issues of
each entity participate. As part of the Buenos Aires Ministerial Declaration,
Ministers recognized the importance of maintaining an open and sustained
dialogue with civil society. On that occasion, Ministers recognized the
importance of the fora and seminars on FTAA negotiations that different civil
society organizations have carried out in the countries of the region and
invited them to present the conclusions of their work to the Committee of
Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society (Buenos Aires
Ministerial Declaration, paragraph 30). This commitment to recognize and encourage the organization
of regional and national seminars related to the process of establishing the
FTAA was reaffirmed in the Quito Ministerial Declaration, which also welcomed
the presentations of the conclusions to the Committee of Government
Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society (Quito Ministerial
Declaration, paragraph 32). In light of this, the Brazilian Delegation would like to
submit a summary report on the national seminar “Brazil and the FTAA”, organized
by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, with the support of the Brazilian Ministry
of External Relations, on 23 and 24 October, 2001. The objective was to discuss
the potential economic and social impact of the FTAA on Latin America,
particularly Brazil, in light of the heterogeneity of social indicators,
cultural heritage, economic development and levels of specialization of the
States participating in this endeavor. The seminar brought together a group of distinguished foreign
and Brazilian authorities, academics, business people, union leaders and
journalists representing a wide array of tendencies and opinions. The
proceedings were open to participation by all sectors of Brazilian society. Over
the course of two days, fifty-five speakers exchanged views and debated the
diverse aspects of negotiating a free trade area in the Americas. The meeting was subdivided into seven panel discussions
encompassing such diverse questions as the ongoing processes of integration
across the world; the experience of the North American Free Trade Agreement;
market access, tariffs, barriers to trade and rules of origin; agriculture;
services, investments and government procurement; financial services;
telecommunications; labor and environmental standards; trade defense and
competition policy; intellectual property and, finally, a general evaluation of
the discussions. The programs of the seminar and background information about the main speakers
are attached. Full transcripts of all the debates and additional background
papers are contained in the book “Brazil and the FTAA”, which will be made
available by Brazil to all delegations at the Administrative Secretariat. Openness and transparency are fundamental to the way in which
Canada approaches trade negotiations. The Government of Canada supports greater
engagement with all the levels of government (provincial, territorial and
municipal), as well as with parliamentarians, in the inter-American trade
agenda. Canada’s position for all trade negotiations is developed by the Federal
Government in partnership with provincial and territorial governments, and
reflects the results of extensive consultations with non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), businesses and the general public. These consultations are
an important part of the Government’s overall commitment to ensure that Canada’s
position continues to reflect Canadian interests, values and priorities. The
Government has made a concerted effort to engage in an open and informed
dialogue with Canadian stakeholders through a range of consultation and outreach
mechanisms and strategies, which are described below. Trade Policy Consultation and Outreach Mechanisms and
1 Parliamentarians: To assist elected officials with their obligation to inform
and exchange views with their constituents on public policy issues, the
Government of Canada ensures that the Canadian Parliament is fully informed and
consulted about the FTAA negotiations. The Minister for International Trade as
well as senior government officials are regularly invited to appear at hearings
of relevant Senate and House Committees on the state of Canada’s trade policies,
programs and proposals. Since the launch of the FTAA negotiations in 1998, the
House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT)
has already conducted three studies (in 1999, 2001 and 2002) related to the FTAA.
The SCFAIT reports were prepared after extensive public testimonies and they
provide valuable direction and guidance to Canada’s trade negotiations. The
Government Response to the latest of these Reports, entitled “Strengthening
Canada’s Economic Links with the Americas”, was tabled in the House of Commons
in October 2002 and is available to the public on the Trade Negotiations and
Agreement website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade:
<>. Canadian
parliamentarians also participate in information sessions and roundtable
discussions. Provinces and Territories: Although the exclusive responsibility of the Federal
Government, trade agreements and dispute settlements increasingly address areas
of provincial jurisdiction and require provincial implementation. Provincial and
territorial governments are fully consulted on the identification of issues,
development of strategies and positions during the preparations for and during
the course of negotiations. The Federal Government maintains a close
relationship with the provinces and territories in the area of international
trade policy by means of a variety of different mechanisms. Federal, provincial
and territorial officials participate in the Federal-Provincial-Territorial
Committee on Trade (C-Trade) which meets at least quarterly in order to exchange
information, share perspectives and develop Canadian positions on a range of
international trade policy issues, including negotiations. In addition to these
regular meetings, Canadian Ministers responsible for trade as well as Deputy
Ministers meet roughly once a year to develop further the cooperative
relationship that exists with provinces and territories in trade policy, to
update them on recent developments and to discuss further cooperation on key
issues. The Government of Canada also maintains restricted
federal-provincial-territorial websites, and schedules numerous conference calls
with provinces/territories to facilitate the sharing of documents and current
information. Municipalities: Municipalities have expressed a growing interest in promoting
increased trade and investment opportunities for their communities, and, more
recently, in trade policy issues. Over the past year, the Government of Canada
has been working hard to address the concerns of municipalities. A joint
Government of Canada/Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) working group
was established in November 2001. The working group provides an opportunity for
information exchange, to hear the views of local governments through the FCM and
build mutual understanding on issues of common interest. Further information on
the relationship between the Government of Canada and Canadian municipalities
with respect to trade negotiations and agreements can be found at: <>. Trade Negotiations and Agreements (TNA) Website Since its launch in May 1999, the TNA website has been
critical to the Government of Canada’s capacity to meet demands for greater
information and public participation regarding Canada’s international trade
agenda. The FTAA section of the TNA website ( <>)
provides Canadians with accessible, accurate, reliable and up-to-date
information on the FTAA negotiations. It includes, inter alia, the draft
consolidated FTAA negotiating text, Canada’s positions and proposals, frequently
asked questions (FAQs), an information kit, a list of key government contacts,
and consultation notices. Interested parties are encouraged to visit this
website and send their comments to the Government on an ongoing basis. Recently,
Canadians have been invited to submit their views on the FTAA market access
negotiations for agricultural and non-agricultural goods, on government
procurement, and on Canada’s Strategic Environmental Assessment of the FTAA.
Moreover, Canada publicly released via this website its market access offers on
services, investment and government procurement, as well as a summary of its
market access offers for agricultural and non-agricultural goods. Government of Canada Public Access Programs In addition to the TNA website, and in keeping with its
commitment to finding new and innovative ways to consult with and engage
Canadians on public policy issues, the Government has created a single-window
access to a listing of consultations from selected government departments and
agencies. The “Consulting Canadians” pilot site can be accessed through the
following link: <>. The Government is
also making greater use of Communications Canada’s customized information
services, including free-of-charge 1-800 numbers and linkages via the Canada
Site portal ( <>). While it
encourage the use of new technologies to reach Canadians, the Government
continues to use the official Canada Gazette, as an instrument of public record,
to post notices with a view to inform and elicit citizen’s comments on
trade-related issues of importance to them. Multistakeholder Information and Consultations Sessions The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, in
partnership with other government departments and agencies, holds periodic
information and consultation sessions with business and industry associations,
NGOs and public interest groups; and the academic community to address issues of
interest to a broad spectrum of Canadians, to which the Minister and the Deputy
Minister for International Trade often participate, as well as parliamentarians
engaged on the issues. The most recent multistakeholder consultation on the FTAA
was held in Ottawa on 27 February 2003 and was Chaired by Mr. John Godfrey,
Member of Parliament and Chair of the Inter-American Parliamentary Forum of the
Americas (FIPA) Working Group on the FTAA. A full report of this session can be
viewed at <>.
Sectoral Advisory Groups on International Trade (SAGITs) Established in 1986, the Sectoral Advisory Groups on
International Trade (SAGITs) are comprised of senior business executives with
representation from industry associations, labour/environment, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and academia. Members are appointed for a two-year
renewable term by the Minister for International Trade to whom they provide
confidential advice on matters pertaining to the Government of Canada’s trade
policy agenda. Members serve in their individual capacities and not as
representatives of specific entities or interest groups. There are currently ten
active SAGITs representing various sectors (Agriculture, Food and Beverage;
Apparel and Footwear; Cultural Industries; Energy, Chemicals and Plastics;
Environment; Fish and Seafood Products; Information Technologies; Medical and
Health Care Products and Services; Services; as well as Textiles, Fur and
Leather), which conduct their work via restricted web sites, on conference calls
and in face-to-face meetings. Academic Advisory Council (AAC) The Academic Advisory Council reports to the Deputy Minister
for International Trade and calls together some of the leading Canadian experts
on trade and related social and economic development matters for in-depth review
of collaborative work and/or analyses that narrow the gaps on issues common to
multilateral, bilateral and regional trade agreements and negotiations. Through
their expertise and research, the Council has proven useful in contributing to
fact-based, rational public discourse. CARICOM Charter of Civil Society CARICOM Heads of Government in 1997 adopted the CARICOM
Charter of Civil Society, the main objectives of which are to enhance public
confidence in governance, to create a truly participatory political environment
within the Caribbean Community, to enter the 21st Century on the basis of
the best possible governance and to achieve and sustain that governance by
mobilizing action for change. The Charter institutionalized a strong tradition
of consultation between CARICOM governments and stakeholders in civil society at
the national and regional levels, which dates back to the early days of West
Indian Federation in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The Charter, one of several recommendations of the 1992 West
Indian Commission Report - Time for Action, was itself the result of some
fourteen months of national consultations in individual CARICOM Member States
with a wide range of stakeholders to develop a strategic approach to
re-positioning the Caribbean in the Community of sovereign states. In making its
recommendations, the Commission noted that ‘Integration inevitably involves
inter-governmental negotiation and decision-making; but it is not the preserve
of Governments alone. People need to be drawn into the process’. The Charter provides the platform for strengthened dialogue
with members of civil society at the national level and in the various organs of
the Community, namely the Conference of Heads of Government, the Council for
Trade and Economic Development (COTED), the Council for Human and Social
Development (COHSOD), and the Council for Finance and Planning (COFAP), in order
to engage major stakeholders on matters of trade policy, social policy and the
overall development of the Community. Forward Together Conference Heads of Governments of the 15 CARICOM Member States convened
in Georgetown, Guyana in July 2002, together with representatives of
non-governmental organizations from the region to engage in consultations aimed
at strengthening the involvement of Civil Society in the different processes in
which the region is involved, in particular the program of regional integration
in the context of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). The Civil Society ‘Forward Together Conference’, facilitated
dialogue in the context of three Working Groups on: (i) Human Resource Development with Equity, including
issues in relation to Gender, Youth and Persons with Disabilities,
Migration and the Diaspora; (ii) Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) -
Capital Investment and requirements for competitiveness; and (iii) Governance and Participation Besides agreeing on several broad principles for
strengthening the relationships between Caribbean Heads of Government and
national governments and the Civil Society, the Conference agreed to
institutionalize the Forward Together Process in the form of triennial
engagements between the Civil Society and the Heads of Government, and
established a Task Force comprising a small representative group of the
Civil Society, coordinated by the CARICOM Secretariat, to develop a
comprehensive regional strategic framework for carrying forward the main
recommendations of the Forward Together Conference. The CARICOM Secretariat has also organized several
consultations at the national level throughout the Community on the various
aspects of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy. Similar consultations have
been held with general and legal interest groups on the role and functions of
the Caribbean Court of Justice, an integral part of the Community. Youth
Parliaments with various partners in individual Member States have also
permitted Youth groups to assist in defining regional priorities for youth
development. In this general process of consultation, the private sector
continues to play an important role in shaping regional trade policy in the
context of the COTED, which oversees the functioning of internal market
arrangements as well as external trade relations. Other social sector groups -
labor, youth and women - participate in meetings of COHSOD which is charged with
establishing policies and programs to promote the development and improvement of
education, culture, health services, labor and industrial relations, youth,
women and sports, in the Community. Business, labor and civil society groups
also participate in the regular annual meetings of the Conference of Heads of
Government and are provided an opportunity to make statements on their priority
areas. Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery The Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (CRNM) was
formed in 1997 to co-ordinate CARICOM’s participation in the several negotiating
theatres in which the region is involved, and to develop a cohesive trade
negotiating strategy to ensure that CARICOM countries derive the maximum
benefits possible from major international trade negotiations. In pursuit of its
mandate, the CRNM has developed and implemented a Communication and
Partnership Strategy (CPS), which links the CRNM with its stakeholders
in the private sector, labor unions and the NGO community and facilitates the
exchange of information on negotiation issues as well as technical inputs into
the negotiations. The RNM Update, a monthly trade publication, is
one of the main products of the CPS, which disseminates information on
developments within the various negotiating theatres in which CARICOM Member
States are involved. One of the strategic objectives of the CRNM is to develop a
framework and overall structure that will increase the effectiveness of the
process through which negotiation strategies are formulated and negotiating
arrangements organized and coordinated. In this regard, the CRNM has established
Technical Working Groups in several of the negotiating disciplines
in which the region is involved. The TWGs, coordinated by the CRNM in
collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat, are comprised of specialists drawn
from Member States, the regional and sub-regional Secretariats, other
specialized regional institutions, regional private sector organizations, labor,
and the University of the West Indies and provide a forum for consultation and
the formulation of negotiating strategies and proposals for clearance by COTED
and final endorsement by the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on External
Negotiations and ultimately by the Heads of Government. The TWGs provide an
indispensable mechanism for technical consultation particularly in the context
of the FTAA negotiations, and provide the facility for dissemination and
exchange of information with the private sector and civil society in general on
developments within the negotiations. Importantly, the quality of feedback from civil society is
inexorably linked to the accurate dissemination of information. This necessarily
implies the need for a reliable and informed media, which would be used as the
machinery through which civil society is informed and actively encouraged to
offer a critical analysis and to publicly air their views on the current trade
policy agenda. To this end, the CRNM in collaboration with CIDA and the
Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC), a regional umbrella NGO, facilitated
a workshop for Caribbean Media workers in Montego Bay, Jamaica from June 30th to
July 1st aimed at sensitizing senior members of the Caribbean print and
electronic media on current trade policy issues in the context of the FTAA, the
WTO and in the context of the negotiations between the European Union and the
African, Caribbean and Pacific States (EU-ACP). There have been several requests for more education and
awareness programs at both the national and regional levels to ensure meaningful
engagement and in-depth critical analysis by all stakeholders of the results of
trade negotiations and the likely impact on human and social development. The
RNM will convene a similar consultation with labor unions in November and is
moving towards developing a platform for communication and exchange of
information with the private sector and civil society in general. Trade policy and non-governmental actors In all of its trade negotiations, Chile has held ongoing
consultations with the business sector with a view to detecting and accurately
interpreting the sensitivities and interests of the different production
sectors, which are then incorporated into the offers and the negotiations,
especially with regard to tariffs and rules of origin. Beginning in the
mid-nineties, other sectors were also incorporated into the negotiation process,
when the General Directorate of International Economic Relations (Dirección
General de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales - DIRECON by its Spanish
acronym) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a dialogue with different
civil society organizations (academics, professional associations, labor unions,
and NGOs) on the international economic negotiations. Initiatives for dialogue and participation In 2000, with the government of President Lagos already in
place and a new emphasis on the need for dialogue with civil society at all
levels of government, pursuant to the Presidential Decree on the matter, there
were renewed calls for FTAA meetings to be held. A more extensive call was
issued, a greater number of announcements appeared in the newspapers, more
public activities were undertaken by the authorities, more information was made
available on the FTAA negotiation process, and increased joint initiatives were
organized with interested sectors of civil society. Information and transparency in the electronic media Training of non-governmental sectors Open invitations The response to these open invitations has been very
satisfactory and contributions continue to be submitted by a wide variety of
actors: professional associations, business associations, specific industries,
trade union organizations, indigenous organizations and NGOs. Several conditions must be satisfied for these invitations to
have meaning and result in real participation: a) the public must have
information on the topics on which it is invited to comment; b) a joint effort
between negotiators and different sectors of civil society will result in more
and better contributions; and c) contributions must be properly considered and
processed by the negotiators so that the public can see the usefulness of this
exercise and continue submitting their contributions. Seminars The “side room” In the case of the FTA with the United States, for the first
time in a negotiation of this kind, three “side rooms” (for businesspersons,
trade unions, and small and medium-sized businesses) were set up so that the
different sectors could be informed and consulted throughout the successive
negotiating rounds. After the negotiation itself, this process continues with
the dissemination of the contents of the agreements and the opportunities they
open for the different sectors. Horizontal dialogue entities Principal tools for consultation and participation INTERACTION OF THE MINISTRY WITH THE NEGOTIATING TEAM The public sector, the private sector, and academia are
cooperating with the negotiating team in the following way: The Public Sector - Presidential Directive 09 of 2002
sets out the general guidelines for devising Colombia's negotiating position in
the FTAA negotiations and determines the role that state entities represented on
the negotiating team are to have in that process. The different state entities
participate in negotiation-related topics, with each one focusing on its own
area of expertise. The Directive sets forth that public entities involved in the
negotiations should give priority to such negotiations and provide all
institutional support necessary to allow their officials to attend the
respective national and international meetings. The Private Sector - The negotiating team is assisted by
private sector representatives appointed by manufacturers associations for the
negotiations. The private sector created an internal coordination agency through
the Inter-Association Foreign Trade Committee (Comité Intergremial del Comercio
Exterior, or CICEX), which attends all meetings convened by the Ministry on each
negotiating topic. Academia and Research Centers - Academic and research
centers that support the trade negotiations in which Colombia is engaged are
taking part so as to broaden the scope of participation in negotiations of
particular interest to domestic producers and the community at large. Academic
and research centers are to contribute to the formulation of an overall strategy
and analyze and disseminate information on the development and progress of the
negotiations in the different areas, so as to encourage an entrepreneurial
mindset among young people and students generally. Each university was assigned
a specific topic and was contracted to carry out specific tasks. Interaction with the members of the three components of the
negotiating team takes place through meetings that are periodically convened by
the Ministry. In these meetings, the private sector finds an ongoing channel for
dialogue. Prior to each FTAA negotiating group meeting, the Ministry convenes
representatives of the private sector, public sector, and academia to discuss
and evaluate Colombia's position at the negotiating table. Likewise, meetings are convened after each meeting of the
negotiating groups to inform the public, private, and academic sectors of the
results and to exchange ideas on the evolution of the different negotiating
positions. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, as
coordinator of the international trade negotiations in which Colombia is taking
part, has made a priority, throughout the negotiations, of using all available
tools to provide ample information on the negotiating process through which the
FTAA is to be created. The Ministry has, thus, participated in the most important
private forums, such as those periodically organized by the National Association
of Financial Institutions (ANIF), the National Manufacturers Association (ANDI),
the National Foreign Trade Association (ANALDEX), as well as in different
congresses and association and union forums, and at various universities. At
these events, the Ministry has informed the private sector of the progress and
the scope of negotiations. In addition to supporting the research work carried
by the universities within the framework of the negotiating team, the Ministry
has worked closely with these institutions in other ways since it considers them
an important bridge for raising awareness on the FTAA. DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES The dissemination activities that have been carried out are
intended to sensitize and educate civil society so that it will become involved
in these important negotiations through interaction with the Ministry. The dissemination activities organized by the Ministry
include: An important effort to ensure that our Webpage, and
particularly the section on the FTAA, is as informative as possible; to this
end we have included: Thirty-three Frequently Asked Questions, with the
corresponding answers; Figures showing the importance of the FTAA in the world and
for Colombia; All derestricted documents from the different negotiating
groups, as well as publications and databases prepared by the Tripartite
Committee and posted on the FTAA’s official Webpage; Links to all the pages of entities of the countries in
the hemisphere responsible for FTAA-related issues; Space for civil society to make suggestions on additional
information that it would like to see posted in this section. In 2002, the Ministry, along with the Federation of
Chambers of Commerce (Confecámaras), gave seminars on the topic in seven of
the largest cities in the country: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Cartagena,
Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Pereira, and Manizales. In conjunction with the
Higher Institute of Public Administration (ESAP), the Ministry gave the same
seminar in seven other departmental capitals: Cúcuta, Paste, Leticia, San
Andrés, Santa Martín, Ibagué, and Armenia. Cities not covered in these
seminars in 2002 were included during the Exporters' Weeks organized by the
Ministry.2 For this year, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Tourism has planned
Entrepreneurs’ Weeks and Exporters’ Weeks in 20 cities throughout the country,
where conferences and workshops on the FTAA are scheduled. We have contacted public entities, the Federal Congress,
the private sector, and academic institutions, asking them to place links to
the Ministry's FTAA information page on their Internet pages. Likewise, the
Ministry of Foreign Trade3 ran a television commercial at the beginning of last
year, and the air time of “Civic Code of Signal Colombia” was used to
broadcast information on the FTAA. On 23 May 2002 a Seminar titled “Effects of the FTAA on
Colombia's Economy” was held, thanks to the technical cooperation granted by
ALADI in response to the Ministry of Foreign Trade's efforts to train the
negotiating team. On 10 and 11 December 2002, in Lima, Peru, a
Seminar-Workshop was held for civil society actors and representatives from
Andean Community member countries, to publicize the FTAA negotiations and
provide information on them. The IDB funded the participation of the speakers
and of ten civil society representatives from each Andean Community member
country. Colombia was represented by the Colombian Universities Association,
the Universidad Externado de Colombia, the Natura Foundation, the Pro-Sierra
Nevada de Santa Marta Foundation, the Colombian Consumer Federation, the
National Movement for the Human Rights of Afro-Colombian Communities (Cimarrón),
the Colombian Federation of Municipalities, and the Unitary Workers Federation
(CUT). The Ministry has held information and opinion-sharing
meetings with unions. The Ministry also accepted an invitation from the
General Federation of Democratic Workers (CGTD) and the National Institute of
Social Studies (INES) to take part in a panel discussion of the negotiations,
along with a large number of trade unionists. The Ministry's reports to the Colombian Congress over the
last four years have included a section on the negotiations describing in
detail the current status of the process and its evolution. Likewise, events
have been organized with some members of Congress to exchange information on
the process. On 9 December 2002, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade
conducted a videoconference that was transmitted in the head offices of the
National Learning Service (SENA), a government entity, in Bogotá, Medellín,
Cali, and Barranquilla. Through the videoconference many public sector,
private sector, and academic participants were informed of the progress of the
FTAA negotiations, and the concerns expressed by participants from each office
were addressed. For 2003, another series of videoconferences will be
scheduled, with a view to including a larger segment of civil society and
disseminating information on the FTAA to a larger number of persons. Each year since 1999, the Ministry has, in conjunction with
the business sector, held two Symposiums for Productivity and Competitiveness.
The last two symposiums have focused on and made a priority of preparing for
the negotiations and the entry into force of the FTAA. The topics covered in
these events were as follows:
The government of Costa Rica has, through its Foreign Trade Ministry, set up a formal participation and consultation mechanism, as well as a mechanism for dialogue and information at the national level with the various sectors of civil society for the purpose of discerning the opinions of civil society and defining Costa Rica's position with respect to the FTAA process. The basic principles governing this consultation process are: (a) achieving the broadest participation of the various sectors of civil society in the FTAA process through adequate outreach, information, and consultation mechanisms; and (b) establishing a dialogue with the Costa Rican production sector on market access conditions and other related issues so that full advantage is taken of the commercial opportunities created by the FTAA. This process operates basically on two levels: FIRST LEVEL At this level, the mechanism operates through the Foreign Trade Consultative Council, which was created by the Law on Negotiations and the Administration of Free Trade Treaties, Agreements and Instruments of Foreign Trade, of 21 November 2000. The Council is chaired by the Foreign Trade Minister and consists of both public officials and representatives of the private sector. The Council is responsible for advising the Executive Branch of government on the definition of foreign trade and foreign investment policies and for promoting mechanisms for coordination and cooperation with the private sector so that those policies and trade negotiations are executed. The Council consists of: (a) the Foreign Trade Minister; (b) the Minister of Economics, Industry and Trade; (c) the Minister of Agriculture; (d) the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religion; (e) the President of the Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of Private Enterprise, the Chamber of Industry, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Exporters, the Chamber of Agriculture, the Costa Rican Chamber of Representatives of Foreign Companies, Distributors, and Importers, and the Costa Rican Chamber of the Food Industry; (f) a representative of the National Union of Costa Rican Small- and Medium-Size Farmers (UPANACIONAL); (g) two representatives of organizations of small- and medium-size producers and enterprises; (h) a representative of the National Federation of Consumer Associations (FENASCO); (i) two representatives of consumer organizations, appointed by legitimized organizations; (j) the President of the Development Initiatives Coalition (CINDE); and (k) the General Manager of the Foreign Trade Promotion Agency (PROCOMER). SECOND LEVEL This level consists of the process of direct consultation with companies, professional associations, and other sectors of civil society, which in turn is divided into various levels and modalities of consultation and outreach:
Regular meetings with representatives of non-governmental organizations- These meetings bring together representatives of the highly diverse interests of civil society and the government officials involved in the FTAA negotiations. Any organization may participate in these meetings either by attending them or by sending in written questions or comments on the various negotiation topics. In addition to the written and electronic notifications that are issued, these meetings also serve to inform non-governmental organizations of the various events the FTAA is organizing to encourage the participation of civil society. Meetings with business organizations- Dialogues are held with the various business organizations that specialize in foreign trade, such as the Coordinating Entity for Foreign Trade Business Organizations (COECE), the Mexican Foreign Trade Council (COMCE), and other Mexican business organizations and companies, with a view to answering queries and ascertaining the needs of the country's various production sectors with regard to the FTAA negotiation process. These business organizations also organize events on the economic and commercial implications of the FTAA, in which the various government officials involved in the negotiations also participate. Similarly, the Mexican Government has invited the business sector to participate in the Business Forums of the Americas. Meetings with the academic sector- The interest generated by the FTAA negotiation process in the Mexican academic sector has been so great that it has led to the organization of various national and international events by, or with the support of, Mexican universities and institutes of higher education, and these have also been attended by various government officials involved in the negotiations. Organization of the North American Regional Seminar- On 18 July 2002, the governments of Mexico, the United States and Canada, jointly organized the Seminar “The FTAA: Opportunities and Challenges for North America” in the city of Merida, Mexico, with a view to discovering the general public's opinion of the FTAA negotiations in areas such as: market access, agriculture, investment, services, and transparency. Government representatives and members of civil society from the three countries participated. A summary of this seminar is included in the Third Report of the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society, posted on the official FTAA web site ( Meeting with Hemispheric Civil Society- The Meeting with Hemispheric Civil Society, “Progress in the FTAA Negotiations”, was held in Puebla, on 8 April 2003, in parallel with the Thirteenth Meeting of the FTAA Trade Negotiations Committee. This event was attended by the co-chairs of the FTAA negotiation process, chairs of negotiating groups and technical committees, government representatives, and representatives of various non-governmental organizations and the academic sector. The conclusions and recommendations of the discussion groups were submitted by the moderators to the Vice Ministers attending the TNC meeting. The dissemination of information through the Internet- Civil society now has access to a large volume of information on the FTAA through the web page of the Secretariat of the Economy ( negotiation texts, general principles, negotiation methods and modalities, summit meetings, ministerial declarations, publications and databases, presentations, meeting schedules, works published by the Committee of Government Representatives on the Participation of Civil Society, access to the FTAA web site, etc.
PARAGUAY PERMANENT FORUMS WITH CIVIL SOCIETY In its desire to inform on and publicize the status of international negotiations and their achievements, Paraguay seeks to empower existing entities, such as the MERCOSUR Joint Parliamentary Commission (Comisión Parlamentaria Conjunta del MERCOSUR); the MERCOSUR Socio-Economic Consultative Forum (Foro Consultivo Económico y Social del MERCOSUR); the National Council on Trade and Integration (Consejo Nacional de Comercio e Integración - CONACIN by its Spanish acronym), and other future projects that are to be implemented with a view to creating an expeditious way for fulfilling the tasks at hand.
One of the top priorities for Paraguay’s foreign policy is to establish a permanent mechanism to consult with the Legislative and the Executive Branches in order to promote joint strategies that will strengthen the country’s position in foreign negotiations, taking into account the significant role played by inter-institutional coordination for the effective incorporation of the legal rules generated by the negotiation process in the country’s national legislation. In this regard, it has been deemed important that Parliament and the Government act jointly, particularly in legal matters, through internal implementation of a mechanism to coordinate permanent joint actions that examine legislative bills drafted by MERCOSUR and the FTAA, with the understanding that most of them will be incorporated into the national body of laws through legislative means. SEMINARS AND MEETINGS The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Undersecretariat of Economic Relations and Integration, has trained a group of its officers to create a corps of technical monitors to be in charge of disseminating information on the status of Paraguay’s participation in international negotiations. The following is a summary of the main events in which both monitors and various public and private entities have participated.
1. Concepción, 13 July 2001, 51 participants; - Seminar: “Civil Society, debate on MERCOSUR and the FTAA,” organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the cooperation of the IDB:
- “Conclusiones de los seminarios sobre el Relanzamiento del MERCOSUR y nuevos desafios para el Paraguay” (Conclusions of the seminars on re-launching MERCOSUR and new challenges for Paraguay). Summary of activities conducted in different Departments throughout the country: Itapúa and Alto Paraná; by Dr. Fernando Masi, from the Center for the Study and Dissemination of Information on the Paraguayan Economy (Centro de Análisis y Difusión de la Economía Paraguaya - CADEP by its Spanish acronym). - Publications containing the conclusions on the seminars: MERCOSUR and FTAA: Challenges and perspectives for Paraguay; held in Concepción (Dept. of Concepción) and Pedro Juan Caballero (Dept. of Amambay); by Dr. Reinaldo Penner, International Consultant. - “Los Procesos de Integracion - MERCOSUR y ALCA” (Integration Processes - MERCOSUR and the FTAA), by Ambassador Antonio Felix López.
Established in May 1998, this Committee, comprising the
private sector and academia, develops proposals representing the views held by
non-official sectors in Peru on the FTAA negotiation process, so that the
negotiations reflect the private sector’s position. To that end, the Committee’s
work dynamic entails ongoing interaction with Peruvian representatives to the
Negotiating Groups, and with high-level political authorities of the different
sectors involved. The Committee includes over 300 entrepreneurs, academics, and
experts on the different negotiation areas. It is divided into ten working
groups, nine of which mirror existing official negotiating groups. In addition,
a group named “Business View of the Social Agenda” has been established to
reflect on how the FTAA will impact Peruvian society. The Committee makes every effort to disseminate information
on the FTAA process through the Chambers of Commerce in the different provinces
throughout the nation. In the last year, dissemination events have been
conducted in eight cities (Piura, Iquitos, Cusco, Arequipa, Pucallpa, Tarapoto,
Cajamarca, and Sullana), through conferences, seminars, forums, newspapers,
articles printed in business reviews, interviews with representatives from the
business sector and academia, etc.). Information has also been disseminated in
Congress. Internationally, the Committee actively participates in
Hemispheric Business Forums by submitting proposals and papers, and by
coordinating the participation of the private sector in those forums. To that
end, this past year, the Committee issued a wide call for papers to collectively
reflect concerns and proposals. Workshops have been conducted to discuss new
topics or develop those presented last year. To date, the Commission has
organized two national forums (February 2001 and September 2002), which included
workshops aimed at reaching conclusions on the FTAA negotiations that were then
forwarded to the official sector. These national forums are conducted on a
yearly basis; the Third Forum will be held this October. The following is a
brief account of the forums to date: I FTAA/Peru National Forum (February 2001) A simulated international business forum was held to prepare
papers. Workshops were conducted for all nine working groups, with 50 to 100
attendees at each workshop. A plenary meeting was held on the second day,
attended by the Prime Minister and 300 representatives from civil society. II FTAA/Peru National Forum (September 2002) The main objective of this forum was to coordinate the
positions of the business sector, academia, and civil society in general, in
order to consolidate the proposals to be presented at the VII Business Forum of
the Americas and to convey that position, directly and transparently, to Peru’s
official negotiators. Again, workshops were conducted for each working group on
the first day and a plenary meeting was held on the second day, with a total of
600 attendees each day. The event was broadcast by videoconference to 10
provincial Chambers. Finally, it must be mentioned that coordination processes
with this Committee always progress very smoothly. Currently, the Committee’s
different working groups are laboring intensively on preparing proposals to
improve the draft Chapters and the market access offers to other countries. This Working Table, established in June 2000 at the
initiative of the Peruvian Environmental Law Association, meets once every three
weeks. The table has 20 members, including officials involved in international
trade negotiations and national environmental policies; labor union and trade
association members; NGOs; and representatives from different public and private
institutions. The I Forum on Trade and the Environment was held in 2001,
with the objective of disseminating information on some national experiences and
raising a general awareness of the issues prioritized by the Working Table. It is worth noting that working table members participate on
their own behalf, even though they have been invited to participate based on
their personal background and their association with trade- and
environment-related institutions. Working table members belong to the following institutions:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism; Ministry of
Agriculture; National Environmental Council; National Environmental Fund/Fondo
Nacional del Ambiente - FONAM by its Spanish acronym; Commission for the
Promotion of Peru/Comisión de Promoción del Perú - PROMPERU by its Spanish
acronym; General Secretariat of the Andean Community; American Chamber of
Commerce of Peru; Lima Chamber of Commerce; National Industry Association; Peru
Foreign Trade Association/Sociedad de Comercio Exterior del Perú - COMEX PERU by
its Spanish acronym; University of Lima; University of the Pacific; Peruvian
Environmental Law Association; as well as specialized law firms, businesses, and
consultants. The Working Table’s overall objective is to jointly study
trade and environmental issues, thus providing a forum for expression and
participation. The table further seeks to raise awareness, agree on positions
and disseminate them, in order to achieve sensitization to the need for a
conceptual position to be developed on the issue that may be useful to the
Peruvian government in regional and multilateral trade negotiations currently
underway, including a progressive implementation of environmental systems that
will guarantee international market access in the future. This local discussion forum on trade and the environment,
created by the Working Table, is expected to be linked more proactively to
current debates being held within the framework of FTAA and WTO negotiations.
This national forum is also linked to a national strategy, spearheaded by Grupo
Zapallar, aimed at generating dialogues on trade and the environment. Another important activity conducted by the Working Table is
the “Perspectives on FTAA Negotiations” workshop series, in which the Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA) Draft Agreement was examined in order to make
specific contributions on environmental issues, based on the official text of
the different chapters of the agreement. The specialized discussion workshops
addressed the following four issues: i) intellectual property; ii) investment;
iii) agriculture; and iv) special and differential treatment. The workshops were
held in July, August, September, and October 2002. Summaries of their results
were published and forwarded to the official sector. The Peruvian Environmental
Law Association (Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental - SPDA by its Spanish
acronym) is responsible for coordinating this working table. TRADE AND LABOR RIGHTS TABLE Since the year 2000, MINCETUR actively participated in the
“Integration, Civil Society, and Social Clauses” Working Table, organized by the
Peruvian Center for Labor Consulting (Centro de Asesoría Laboral del Perú -
CEDAL by its Spanish Acronym),4 within the framework of the “Information and
Training on Integration, International Trade, and ICICS Social Clauses for
Grassroots Labor and Social Organizations.” The main objective of this project was to assist in updating
labor union and social organization leaders regarding the status of, and
perspectives on, integration processes and free trade agreements in which Peru
participates. This Working Table, whose meetings ended on the last week of
January 2001, sought to become a forum for expressing views on, and
participating in, the matter, and for preparing proposals to promote
participation and consultation forums and mechanisms for social actors and
economic agents. The ultimate objective was to hold a similar event at the
national level, not only to keep this sector of civil society abreast of trade
negotiations currently underway, but to exchange ideas with, and listen to, the
opinions of said sector, maintaining a fluid and constructive dialogue to
strengthen the relationship between the private and official sectors. In this spirit, the “Trade and Labor Rights” Working Table
was established in August 2001 at the joint initiative of the Peruvian Center
for Labor Consulting - CEDAL (Technical Secretariat) and MINCETUR (formerly
Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Integration and International Trade
Negotiations/Ministerio de Industria, Turismo, Integración y Negociaciones
Comerciales Internacionales - MITINCI by its Spanish acronym). The Table’s objectives are to study and propose guidelines
regarding the relationship between international trade and labor rights, raise
awareness, and coordinate and disseminate positions to achieve general
sensitization on the issue, among others. Since the beginning of 2003, ongoing efforts have been made
to consolidate the FTAA-related work performed by these Tables, within the
framework of the meetings held by “Grupo Visión Empresarial” (Business Vision
Group) on the Social Agenda of the FTAA/PERU Committee. A comprehensive dissemination program is currently being
conducted in seven different initial locations throughout the country. This
decentralized program seeks to involve the different sectors of civil society
throughout the entire nation, by keeping them informed and linking them in the
best way possible to the work performed by the Official Sector. U.S. Trade Policy Consultation Process The United States Trade Representative's (USTR) Office of
Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison (IAPL) was created to expand and
enhance USTR’s consultation process with state and local governments, the
business and agricultural communities, labor, environmental, consumer, academic,
and other domestic groups. The private sector advisory committee system,
established by the U.S. Congress in 1974, falls under its auspices. The advisory
committee system was created to ensure that U.S. trade policy and trade
negotiation objectives adequately reflect U.S. interests. The USTR Office of
IAPL also serves as the liaison to all state and local governments on the
negotiation and implementation of trade agreements, including FTAA matters.
Additionally, USTR issues frequent Federal Register Notices seeking public
comment on ongoing trade negotiations, periodically convenes public hearings on
trade issues, holds public briefings, regularly disseminates press releases and
other trade information to domestic stakeholders, and meets with a broad
spectrum of domestic groups at their request. All these mechanisms provide
opportunity for domestic input, and the views expressed by civil society
stakeholders are taken into consideration in the formulation of U.S. trade
policy. Advisory Committees The advisory committees were established by the U.S. Congress
and provide information and advice with respect to U.S. negotiating objectives
and bargaining positions before entering into trade agreements, on the operation
of any trade agreement once entered into, and on other matters arising in
connection with the development, implementation, and administration of U.S.
trade policy. The private sector advisory committee system currently consists of
33 advisory committees, with a total membership of approximately 700 advisors.
Recommendations for candidates for committee membership are collected from a
number of sources including members of Congress, associations and organizations,
publications, and other individuals who have demonstrated an interest or
expertise in U.S. trade policy. Membership selection is based on qualifications,
geography, and the needs of the specific committee. Advisors are not compensated
and serve at their own expense. Members of the committees obtain security
clearances and have access to U.S. draft proposals and papers in order to be
able to provide civil society input and advice from the perspective of their
particular sectors. By statute, the system is arranged in three tiers: the
President's Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN); policy
advisory committees; and numerous technical, sectoral, and functional advisory
committees. The President appoints up to 45 ACTPN members for two-year terms.
The 1974 Trade Act requires that membership broadly represent key economic
sectors and groups affected by trade. The committee considers trade policy
issues in the context of the overall national interest. ACTPN’s diverse
membership includes, for example, the National Association of Manufacturers, the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Nature Conservancy, the Global
Environment and Technology Foundation, the Small Business Exporters Association,
the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the Governor of the State of
Connecticut, the Brookings Institute, and the University of Oklahoma. The four policy advisory committees are appointed by the USTR
alone or in conjunction with other cabinet officers. The Intergovernmental
Policy Advisory Committee (IGPAC), which provides trade advice from the
perspective of state and local governments, is managed solely by USTR. Policy
advisory committees managed jointly by USTR with the Departments of Agriculture,
Labor, and the Environmental Protection Agency, are, respectively, the
Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee (APAC), Labor Advisory Committee (LAC),
and Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee (TEPAC). Each committee
provides advice based on the perspective of its specific sector or area. For
example, the LAC has 58 representatives of union interests, including the
AFL-CIO, Union of Needle trades, Industrial and Textile Employees (UNITE),
United Steelworkers of America, International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s
Union, Service Employees International Union, and others. The TEPAC has 29
members, including groups such as the Center for International Environmental
Law, the Humane Society of the United States, the Endangered Species Coalition,
Oceana, Transparency International, the Consumers Union, and George Washington
University. TEPAC has been particularly involved in the U.S. FTAA environment
proposal and environmental reviews policy. All cleared advisory committee
members have access to U.S. FTAA negotiating proposals in market access and
other areas, and are afforded ongoing opportunity for comment and input. The 26 sectoral, functional, and technical advisory
committees are organized in two areas: industry and agriculture. Representatives
are appointed jointly by USTR and the Secretaries of Commerce and Agriculture,
respectively. Each sectoral or technical committee represents a specific sector
(for example, aerospace, electronics, chemicals, services industries, textiles)
or commodity group (for example, “grains, feed and oilseeds,” “fruits and
vegetables,” and “animals and animal products”) and provides specific technical
advice concerning the effect that trade policy decisions may have on its sector.
The four functional advisory committees provide cross-sectoral advice on
customs, standards, intellectual property issues, and electronic commerce. The committees meet on a regular basis, receive confidential
information about ongoing trade negotiations and other trade policy issues and
development, and are required to report to the President and Congress on any
trade agreement entered into under the Trade Act of 2002. Advisory committee
reports on finalized trade agreements are also made available to the public.
Committee membership lists are available to the public on the USTR website at Public Consultations and Outreach on FTAA In 2002 and 2003, the U.S. Government has participated in
over 120 meetings, briefings and consultations regarding the FTAA negotiations
with the trade advisory committees; Congressional committees of jurisdiction
including the Senate Finance Committee, House Ways and Means Committee, the
House and Senate agriculture committees and others; business, agricultural,
labor, environment, consumer, and academic groups, states and localities, and
members of the public. For example, U.S. officials continually briefed and
facilitated consultations with advisory committees, Congress, and other domestic
stakeholders on the FTAA agenda leading up to the 2002 FTAA Ministerial in
Quito, Ecuador. Prior to Quito, USTR and domestic groups participated in the
first-ever North American civil society forum on FTAA held in Merida, Mexico in
July 2002. USTR also organized public briefings in advance of the Quito
Ministerial, and conducted several taped webcasts with daily updates from the
negotiating site in Quito for advisors and members of the public. In addition,
officials met with representatives of business and civil society groups in
Quito, and participated in a workshop organized by Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho
Ambiental (CEDA) and environmental groups from throughout the Hemisphere. USTR
facilitated the public dissemination of the second draft text of the FTAA
agreement on its website on the same day that the Ministerial concluded,
continuing a precedent set by Ministers at the FTAA meeting in Buenos Aires in
2001. At Quito, USTR also took note of recommendations made by the Americas
Business Forum, and met with and received recommendations from organizers of
Civil Society Fora. In 2003, USTR notified domestic civil society of two Federal
Register Notices: one soliciting public comments on the second draft
consolidated texts of the FTAA agreement, and another encouraging the public to
respond to the FTAA Open and Ongoing Invitation issued by the SOC committee, for
inclusion of civil society views in the SOC Report to Ministers. USTR consulted
broadly with advisory groups, Congress, and other domestic stakeholders
regarding FTAA U.S. market access offers, a summary and fact sheet of which was
published on the USTR website in February 2003. USTR took steps to ensure
U.S. civil society participation in the FTAA-wide civil society issue meetings
organized by the SOC in rotating host countries: the first in Sao Paulo, Brazil
on June 25 on the topic of agriculture (U.S. participants included the American
Farm Bureau Federation and Oxfam America, for example), and the second in
Santiago, Chile on September 23 on the topic of services, and publicized these
FTAA civil society meetings prominently on its website. In July, USTR held a
public briefing on the FTAA with senior government officials, with an open
question and answer session. Over 60 organizations attended, including diverse
groups such as the Defenders of Wildlife, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Public
Citizen, International Gender and Trade Network, the Center of Concern, and the
Information Technology Association. Finally, the U.S. is coordinating with domestic civil society
groups and state, county, and city officials in Florida regarding the November
2003 FTAA Ministerial in Miami. For U.S. and hemispheric civil society
stakeholders, the Miami Ministerial will feature parallel meetings of the ninth
Americas Business Forum (ABF), organized by hemispheric business groups, and the
Americas Trade and Sustainable Development Forum (ATSDF), organized by the
North-South Center at the University of Miami in conjunction with hemispheric
NGO groups, academics and think tanks (including CEDA, Ecuador; PARTICIPA,
Chile; FLACSO, Argentina; Canadian Foundation for the Americas (FOCAL), Canada;
International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada; Carnegie Foundation
for International Peace, USA; Tulane University, USA; Transparency
International, USA) Registration for the ABF and ATSDF is open to the public,
and all FTAA government officials are encouraged to attend the parallel
workshops to promote further dialogue. Representatives of the ABF and ATSDF will
meet with Ministers in concluding sessions for an exchange of views that, in an
unprecedented effort to increase transparency and public access, will be
broadcast to the public on the web and on closed-circuit television. 1 Further information can be obtained on the web at <>. In addition to Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, a number of other Federal Departments and Agencies have also established permanent and ad-hoc consultation and outreach mechanisms in the area of trade policy, which are not mentioned in this information document due to its limited scope. Canada reserves the right to make revisions to this document and submit a more comprehensive version before its inclusion in the final draft of the SOC’s Fourth Report to the TNC. 2 Exporters’ Weeks are a foreign trade training program carried out in the different cities of the country. 3 The Ministry of Foreign Trade was recently restructured, and on 3 February 2003 it was renamed “Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.” 4 The Peruvian Center for Labor Consulting (Centro de Asesoría Laboral del Perú - CEDAL by its Spanish acronym), was established on 11 April 1977 as a non-profit, private non-governmental organization whose main objective is to offer multidisciplinary services and commit to strengthen grassroots social organizations from the fields of labor and civil society. |
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