Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA |
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Investment Agreements in the Western Hemisphere: A Compendium
B. Definition of Investor C. Application in Time
2. Full Protection and Security 3. Non-Discrimination 4. National Treatment 5. Most-Favored-Nation Treatment C. Other Aspects
2. Others
2. Repayment of Loans 3. Proceeds of the Total or Partial Liquidation of an Investment 4. Licenses and Other Fees 5. Other Categories of Payments
2. Exchange Rates 3. Time of Transfer
2. Due Process of Law and Judicial Review 3. Other 4. Compensation: Standard; Form and Time of Payment
B. Arbitration
2. Procedural Rules of the Tribunal 3. Applicable Law
B. Pre-Arbitral Consultations and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms C. Arbitral Settlement of Disputes
2. Consent 3. Forms of Arbitration 4. Applicable Law |
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