Compendium of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws in the Western Hemisphere
- Procedures for Due Process
- Questionnaires (Distribution, Response Time, Extensions, Supplements
WTO Standard: Exporters or foreign producers, and in countervail proceedings, the foreign governments receiving questionnaires shall be given at least 30 days to reply. Due consideration should be given to any request for an extension of the 30-day period and, upon cause shown, such an extension should be granted whenever practicable. (AD Agreement, Art. 6.1.1; SCM Agreement, Art. 12.1.1)
In antidumping cases, the authorities shall, as a general rule, determine an individual margin of dumping for each known exporter or producer concerned of the product under investigation. In cases where the number of exporters, producers, importers or types of products is so large as to make such a determination impracticable, the authorities may limit their examination either to a reasonable number of interested parties or products by using samples which are statistically valid on the basis of information available to the authorities at the time of the selection, or to the largest percentage of the volume of exports from the country in question which can reasonably be investigated.
Any selection of exporters, producers, importers or types of products made under this paragraph shall be chosen in consultation with and with the consent of the exporters, producers or importers concerned.
In cases where the authorities have limited their examination [...], they shall nevertheless determine an individual margin of dumping for any exporter or producer not initially selected who submits the necessary information in time for that information to be considered during the course of the investigation, except where the number of exporters or producers is so large that individual examinations would be unduly burdensome to the authorities and prevent the timely completion of the investigation. Voluntary responses shall not be discouraged.
Argentina directly applies the standards of the WTO Agreements. The provisions of Decree 766/94 and 2121/94 are applied supplementarily.
1. Injury The Commission may require any data and information that it considers relevant to complete its investigation, in which case the provisions of Article 707 of the Customs Code apply.
It may also carry out investigations in other countries when circumstances so require. (Decree 766/94, Art. 17).
2. AD/CVD The competent implementing authority seeks any information required by sending questionnaires to all interested parties. (Decree No. 2121/94, Art. 42).
The recipients of such questionnaires must reply, giving all the required information, within the time limit fixed by the implementing authority in each investigation.
The time-limit for completing questionnaires must not be less than 30 days form the date of their receipt by the interested parties.
Requests for extensions are granted whenever possible. (Id.).
Within a maximum period of five calendar days from the date of the Ministerial Decision to initiate an investigation, the Technical Secretariat shall forward basic questionnaires to the exporters or domestic producers and to diplomatic or consular representatives, requesting information on the case.
The same time-limits shall apply to the dispatch of questionnaires subsequent to the preliminary determination.
The communications accompanying the questionnaires shall indicate the time-limit within which the parties must return the questionnaires duly completed.
This shall not exceed twenty (20) working days from the date of dispatch of the communication. Bi-ministerial Decision, Art. 11.
The interested parties (in a dumping investigation, the governments of the exporting countries would be excluded for questionnaire purposes while in a subsidy investigation, the governments would be included) will receive questionnaires and will have 40 days to respond, counting from the date they were sent. Art. 27; Art. 37.
In cases of demonstrated need, the response period may be extended 30 days whenever practical in light of the investigatory time limits. Art. 27-1; Art. 37-1.
Additional information may be solicited or accepted. The time-limit for submitting the information requested shall be established in accordance with the nature of said information and may be extended by means of a duly justified request. (Dec. 1602/95 - Art. 27.2, Dec. 1751/95 - Art. 37.2).
The Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) subsection 34(1) requires that, on the day of initiation of an investigation, a notice of investigation is provided to all known interested parties, and is published in the official Canada Gazette. This notice invites interested parties to file written submissions.
Also on the day of initiation, a request for information is sent to all known exporters and importers.
The Commission issues questionnaires to foreign producers and exporters, domestic producers, and other interested parties whom the Commission deems pertinent to its investigation, depending on the type of allegations made by the domestic industry in the petition.
Within seven working days following the date of publication of the resolution ordering initiation of the investigation, INCOMEX shall forward a copy of the resolution and the forms established for the purpose of requesting information on the case to the interested parties connected with the application, at an address indicated thereon, and to the diplomatic or consular representatives of the country of origin or of export.
Other interested parties shall be convened by a notice published only once in a national newspaper with a broad circulation. INCOMEX shall observe the same time limits for the dispatch of questionnaires subsequent to the preliminary determination, where necessary.
Interested parties shall return the forms, duly completed, within 40 calendar days following the date of their dispatch, without prejudice to the periods provided for in trade agreements entered into by the country.
This period may be extended, in a reasoned resolution, by up to ten further calendar days in the event of a duly justified request by the interested parties. (Decree 299, Chapter 7, Art. 38).
Costa Rica
Exporters or foreign producers receiving questionnaires used in an anti-dumping investigation shall be given at least thirty days for reply. (The endnote is omitted).
Due consideration should be given to any request for an extension of the thirty day period and, upon cause shown, such an extension should be granted whenever practicable.
The authorities shall, as a rule, determine an individual margin of dumping for each known exporter or producer concerned of the product under investigation.
In cases where the number of exporters, producers, importers or types of products involved is so large as to make such a determination impracticable, the authorities may limit their examination either to a reasonable number of interested parties or products by using samples which are statistically valid on the basis of information available to the authorities at the time of the selection, or to the largest percentage of the volume of the exports from the country in question which can reasonably be investigated.
Any selection of exporters, producers, importers or types of products made under this paragraph shall preferably be chosen in consultation with and with the consent of the exporters, producers or importers concerned.
In cases where the authorities have limited their examination, as provided for in this paragraph, they shall nevertheless determine an individual margin of dumping for any exporter or producer not initially selected who submits the necessary information in time for that information to be considered during the course of the investigation, except where the number of exporters or producers is so large that individual examinations would be unduly burdensome to the authorities and prevent the timely completion of the investigation.
Voluntary responses shall not be discouraged.
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
In the resolution to open an investigation, the investigating authority determines the parties from whom it must require information pertinent to the matter under investigation. (Article 11, Central American Regulations on Unfair Trade Practices).
In the resolution to open an investigation, the investigating authority determines the parties from whom it must require information pertinent to the matter under investigation. (Article 11, Central American Regulation on Unfair Trading Practices).
In the resolution to open an investigation, the investigating authority determines the parties from whom it must require information pertinent to the matter under investigation. (Article 11, Central American Regulation on Unfair Trading Practices).
Articles 54 and 55 of the Law indicate that notification of the decision on initiation (mentioned in the preceding item) shall be accompanied by questionnaires requesting of the parties concerned the evidence, information and data the investigating authority considers necessary for its investigation.
Article 164 of the Regulations provides that the parties concerned who receive a questionnaire have 30 working days after publication of the decision for initiation in the Official Daily Gazette of the Federation to prepare their defense and present the information requested. (The period provided for by the Law, as indicated, is expressed in working days, in accordance with the provisions of its Article 30, while the periods under the Agreements are expressed in calendar days. Thus, despite the apparent contradiction between the two sequences, the periods provided for by the Law are in fact longer than those under the Agreements, and therefore there is no inconsistency).
In this regard it is useful to stress that, as indicated in Articles 6.1.1 of the Antidumping Agreement and 12.1.1 of the Agreement on Subsidies, these periods may be extended if, in the opinion of the investigating authority, there are enough facts for its justification.
Nevertheless, in accordance with Articles 54 of the Law and 171 of its Regulations, notwithstanding the foregoing, the investigating authority may accept or request the information, evidence and data after the periods referred to in the preceding paragraph have elapsed, provided that it so deems necessary and that it is necessary for better knowledge of the truth.
In the resolution to open an investigation, the investigating authority determines the parties from whom it must require information pertinent to the matter under investigation. (Article 11, Central American Regulation on Unfair Trading Practices).
In the notice referred to in this Article the parties will be given a term of 40 calendar days counted from the date of receipt of the notice and the questionnaire, to answer the questionnaire and the forms and to submit their proof and evidence, under reserve that if it is not done in the time period granted, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce may make a decision based on the best available information.
In special circumstances, if there is a duly justified application from the interested persons and when in the view of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce there are sufficient reasons that so justify, the 40-day period may be extended for up to an additional 15 calendar days.
In cases where the product is normally sold retail, the users of the productive sectors of the products under investigation and consumer advocate organizations shall be given an opportunity to provide any information, on dumping or subsidies, on the injury or causal nexus between the two that is relevant to the purposes of the investigation.
The answers sent by the parties, as well as the documents that are provided, shall be submitted in Spanish, or otherwise must be accompanied by an official translation.
Santa Lucia
Trinidad and Tobago
United States
In an antidumping investigation, questionnaires are distributed to all producers and exporters involved in an investigation.
In a countervailing duty proceeding, a questionnaire is sent to the government of the exporting country and, if known, to the producers and exporters.
Commerce normally allows 30 days for a response, but extensions may be granted if the exporter provides an explanation of the need for such extension.
Supplemental questionnaires may be issued, and the response time will depend on the nature of the information requested.
In cases where Commerce has limited its examination to selected exporters and producers, it nevertheless will calculate an individual margin for any exporter or producer not selected for examination that provides the necessary information on a timely basis and in the form required.
Where the number of exporters is particularly high, Commerce may decline to analyze voluntary responses because it would be unduly burdensome and would preclude the completion of timely investigations.
The investigation begins with the presentation of a questionnaire by Commerce, which is designed to gather transactional data from the manufacturer and/or exporter, including all home market and export sales information.
The questionnaire consists of the following sections:
1) Section I - General Information requests information concerning the company, accounting practices, merchandise, and total sales of the subject merchandise in all markets;
2) Section II - Sales in the Home Market or to Third Countries requests that the respondent provide a list of sales in the home market or, where appropriate, to third countries, and other information necessary to calculate the normal value of the merchandise;
3) Section III - Sales to the U.S. requests that the respondent provide a list of sales to the U.S. and other data necessary to calculate the U.S. price;
4) Section IV - Cost of Production/Constructed Value requires a response only if Commerce initiates an investigation of sales below cost, or if constructed value is necessary as the basis for determining normal value;
5) Section V - Further Manufacturing requires a response only if further manufacturing in the U.S. is involved.
Commerce presents its questionnaire to the companies involved in the proceeding as well as to the government of the country where the companies are established.
Both company and government questionnaires consist of two sections:
1) general information about the company and
2) information regarding the operation and use of specific subsidy programs.
2. ITC
In order to obtain information for its injury investigation, the ITC issues questionnaires to U.S. producers, importers, and purchasers (purchasers do not receive questionnaires in a preliminary phase investigation).
The ITC only issues questionnaires to foreign producers and exporters if they are represented by counsel. The ITC requests financial information from U.S. producers and information from all recipients on purchasing, production, firm operations, competition, and data on imports, exports, shipments, and pricing.
The time limit for response to the questionnaire shall be specified in the questionnaire itself. (1993 Regulations, Art. 70).