- Methodologies/Definitions
- Like Product
WTO Standard: a product which is identical, i.e. alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration. (AD Agreement, Art. 2.6; SCM Agreement, Art. 15.1, fn. 46.)
The WTO standards cited in the sub-paragraph are applied. Decree 2121/94 is of supplementary application.
Article 5 of D.S. 23308 defines a like product as a product identical in all respects to the product subject to the practice or, if no such product exists, any other that has very similar characteristics, taking into consideration such elements as nature, quality, use, and function.
"Like product" is a product which is identical, i.e. alike in all respects to the product under considertion, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration. (Dec. 1602/95 - Art. 5.1; Dec. 1752/95 - Art. 4 paragrafo unico).
"Like goods," in relation to any other goods, means
(a) goods that are identical in all respects to the other goods, or
(b) in the absence of any goods described in paragraph (a), goods the uses and other characteristics of which closely resemble those of the other goods.
2.(1) of the Special Imports Measures Act.
Like product signifies a product that is identical, i.e. the same in all respects as the product in question, or where no such product exists, a product that, while not identical in all respects, has characteristics very similar to those of the product under consideration. (Supreme Decree No. 16 of the Ministry of External Relations, published on May 17, 1995, in the Diario Oficial).
"Like product" means a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of a product under consideration. (Decree 299, Chapter 2, Art. 2).
Costa Rica
The term "like product" shall be interpreted to mean a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
"Like product" is a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.
These Regulations develop the provisions established in the Agreements of the WTO and also, as appropriate, the provisions of the Protocol of Guatemala and the Agreement on the Central American System of Tariffs and Customs. (CARUTP Articles 2&4).
"Like product" is a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.
These Regulations develop the provisions established in the Agreements of the WTO and also, as appropriate, the provisions of the Protocol of Guatemala and the Agreement on the Central American System of Tariffs and Customs. (CARUTP Articles 2&4).
"Like product" is a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.
These Regulations develop the provisions established in the Agreements of the WTO and also, as appropriate, the provisions of the Protocol of Guatemala and the Agreement on the Central American System of Tariffs and Customs. (CARUTP Articles 2&4).
Identical goods mean products which are alike in all respects to the product under investigation. Like goods are products which, although not alike in all respects, are similar in their characteristics and composition, thus allowing them to fulfill the same functions and making them commercially interchangeable with those with which they are being compared. (II/37).
"Like product" is a product which is identical, i.e., alike in all respects to the product under consideration, or in the absence of such a product, another product which, although not alike in all respects, has characteristics closely resembling those of the product under consideration.
These Regulations develop the provisions established in the Agreements of the WTO and also, as appropriate, the provisions of the Protocol of Guatemala and the Agreement on the Central American System of Tariffs and Customs. (CARUTP Articles 2&4).
Identical product or good is understood to mean a good that matches in all respects the good against which it is being compared, taking into consideration such factors as its nature, use, function, quality, tradename, and brand recognition.
Like product or good is understood as a good that, although it may not match the good against which it is being compared in all respects, shares enough characteristics with the good particularly with respect to nature, use, function, and quality as to be considered substantially identical.
A product that is identical, i.e. equal in all aspects to the product in question, or when such a product does not exist, another product which, though not equal in all respects, has very similar characteristics.
Santa Lucia
For the purposes of antidumping measures, Section 9(2) defines "like product" as goods of the description in question (that is to say, any identical or comparable goods).
Trinidad and Tobago
"Like goods", in relations to goods under consideration, means goods that are identical in all respects to the goods under consideration or that, although not alike in all respects to the goods under consideration, have characteristics closely resembling those of the goods under consideration. (Sec. 3(1)).
United States
The U.S. statute defines the term "domestic like product" as a product which is like or, in the absence of like, most similar in characteristics and uses with the merchandise subject to investigation.
"Like goods" means:
(1) identical goods (alike in all respects);
(2)oods which compare in large measure to the product which is the object of dumping or subsidies when, in addition to the existence of a high degree of similarity in their specific use, a same degree of similarity may be ascertained between the other characteristics;
(3) goods which are substitutes for the good allegedly dumped or subsidized when their use or function leads to results identical to those of the dumped or subsidized good.
"Regulations Under the Law on Unfair Foreign Trade Practices," published in the Gaceta Oficial of the Republic of Venezuela Extraordinary No. 4.567 on April 26, 1993. (hereinafter, "Regulations") Article 4.