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Original: English FTAA – TRADE NEGOTIATIONS COMMITTEE Consultations were undertaken in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 31 to April 1, 2004, among an informal group of countries participating in the FTAA negotiations, regarding the preparation of guidance, as required by the Miami Ministerial, to the FTAA negotiating groups for developing a common and balanced set of rights and obligations to be applicable to all countries and to develop procedures for plurilateral negotiations among FTAA countries who wish to undertake additional liberalization and disciplines within the FTAA. Various ideas were exchanged and the group agreed that they needed to consult further in their capitals. In the course of the coming weeks, consultations will continue among these and other delegations and with the Co-Chairs of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC).
The Co-Chairs of the TNC agree that there is a need to continue these and other informal consultations that
have been held since the 17th TNC meeting held in Puebla, Mexico. In the assessment of the TNC Co-Chairs,
further progress is necessary before resuming the seventeenth meeting of the TNC. The TNC Co-Chairs will be
in contact with all the delegations regarding the reconvening of the seventeenth meeting of the TNC.
Los Copresidentes del CNC acuerdan que es necesario continuar estas y otras consultas informales que se han realizado desde la Decimoséptima Reunión del CNC celebrada en Puebla, México. Según la evaluación realizada por los Copresidentes del CNC, es necesario lograr mayores avances antes de reanudar la decimoséptima reunión del CNC. Los Copresidentes del CNC entrarán en contacto con todas las delegaciones con relación a la reanudación de la decimoséptima reunión del CNC. |
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