September 16, 2003
Original: Spanish
Translation: FTAA Secretariat
Twenty-Second Meeting
Puebla, 3 – 5 September 2003
- The Twenty-Second Meeting of the Consultative Group on Smaller
Economies (CGSE) was held in Puebla, Mexico, on 3, 4, and 5 September 2003.
In attendance were delegates of the following countries: Argentina, Bahamas,
Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and
Tobago, United States, and Venezuela.
- The CGSE adopted the
agenda, which is attached hereto.
- The CGSE adopted the document entitled “Initial Meeting with Donor
Countries for the Implementation of the Hemispheric Cooperation Program
(HCP)”, which includes the draft agenda for the Initial Roundtable Meeting
with Donor Countries for the Implementation of the Hemispheric Cooperation
Program (HCP). This meeting will be held in Washington, D.C, on 14 and 15
October and the results will be presented at the Miami Ministerial Meeting.
- The CGSE took note of the status of the National Strategies to
Strengthen Trade-Related Capacities of FTAA Countries.
- The CGSE received the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups on Services and
Government Procurement, each of whom presented a report on those Groups’
treatment of differences in the levels of development and size of economies.
- In fulfillment of the mandate received from the TNC, the CGSE adopted
the document entitled “Inputs from the CGSE to the TNC on the Results of the
Progress Achieved Regarding the Treatment of Differences in the Levels of
Development and Size of Economies”, which provides inputs to the TNC on the
results and progress achieved regarding the treatment of differences in the
levels of development and size of economies in each of the Negotiating
- The Twenty-Third Meeting of the CGSE will be held in Washington,
D.C., the 16th and 17th of October 2003.
Twenty-Second Meeting
Puebla, Mexico, 3–5 September 2003
- Approval of the agenda
- Report from the Chair on the San Salvador TNC and on the meeting of the
Vice Chairs of the FTAA Entities in preparation for the Port of Spain TNC
- Follow-up on, and general assessment of, the implementation of the
Hemispheric Cooperation Program
Status of the formulation of pending strategies
Review of the agenda for the initial meeting between donors and recipients
Review of immediate technical assistance needs, including the updated Matrix
of Project Profiles
Technical assistance database
- Follow-up on the treatment of differences in levels of development and
size of economies
Reports from the Negotiating Group chairs
Analysis of the document prepared by the Tripartite Committee on the issue
Proposals to identify adequate and timely means, in addition to the HCP, for
the treatment of differences in the levels of development and size of
economies, including additional sources of financing.
- Business facilitation measures
- Studies conducted
- Other business