Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA

Trade Negotiations

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Provisions on Trade in Services in Trade and Integration Agreements in the Western Hemisphere

Part II: Bilateral Free Trade Agreements
Provisions on Services in Economic Complementation Agreements

(Acuerdo de Complementacion Economica; 16 April 1993)

Objective: To facilitate, increase and diversify trade in goods and services between the two signatories, promote and stimulate local production and facilitate investment by each signatory in the territory of the other.

Coverage of Service Sectors: No specific sectoral coverage.

(Acuerdo de Complementación Económica; 1 January 1994)

Objective: To establish, in the shortest period possible, a wider economic area between the two countries to permit the free movement of goods, services and factors of production. Article I(a) To coordinate and complement economic activities, particularly for industry and services. Article I(d)

Coverage of Service Sectors:

1. Other Services (Chapter XIII, Article 25)

The signatories agree to promote measures to facilitate the provision of services into each other's territory. For this purpose, the Administrative Commission (Article 33) is charged with formulating proposals to this effect, taking into account the negotiations under the GATT in these areas.

2. Maritime and Air Transport (Chapter XV, Articles 28 through 30)

The signatories agree to grant free access to cargo shipment by sea on national flagships of the two countries, under conditions of reciprocity. Maritime authorities of the signatories will monitor to ensure that there is no unfair competition or dumping in the provision of such services.

The signatories agree to undertake to promote a process of opening in order to stimulate greater competition and enhanced efficiency of air services. As a first step, the two signatories agree to ratify this commitment in an Act signed by the aeronautical authorities on 16 July 1993, containing provisions allowing the firms of each country to freely enjoy traffic rights between the two territories and with third countries within the Latin American region, with the frequency of service and aircraft to be established under the Act.

Signatories will work towards increasing the efficiency of maritime and air transport services in order to offer the best rates for reciprocal trade. For this purpose, they will establish a joint program of specific actions to be undertaken.

(Acuerdo de Complementación Económica; 1 January 1995)

Objective: To establish, in the shortest time delay possible, a wider economic area between the two countries to permit the free movement of goods, services and factors of production. Article 1(a) To coordinate and complement economic activities, particularly for industry and services. Article I(d).

Coverage of Service Sectors:

1. Other Services (Chapter XIII, Article 24)

The signatories agree to promote improvement of the conditions necessary to facilitate the provision of services measures to facilitate the provision of services into each other's territory. For this purpose, the Administrative Commission (Article 33) is tasked with elaborating a Protocol for negotiation on Services.

2. Maritime and Air Transport (Chapter XV, Articles 27 through 28)

The signatories agree to grant free access to cargo shipment by sea on national flagships and/or ship operators of the two countries, under conditions of reciprocity and in conformity with their respective legislation applicable to bilateral trade.

With respect to transport of fuels, Ecuador agrees to extend to Chile under the same conditions the concessions contained in international agreements it has signed with other countries or groups of countries.

Maritime authorities of the signatories will monitor to ensure the transparency in the provision of these services.

With respect to air transport, and taking into account the agreement on air transport services in force between the two countries, the signatories agree that firms from both countries will be able to carry out and advertise regular air transport service for passengers, cargo, or mail between points in the two territories and between the territories and third countries, with full traffic rights within the Latin American region, under the terms already established by the aeronautical authorities. The air traffic rights not covered in this Article will remain subject to negotiation.

(Acuerdo de Complementación Económica; 1 July 1993)

Objective: To establish, in the shortest period possible, a wider economic area between the two signatories in order to bring about the free movement of goods, services and factors of production. Article I(a)

To coordinate and complement economic activities, particularly for industry and services. Article I(d)

Coverage of Service Sectors:

1. Other Services (Chapter XII, Article 24)

The signatories agree to promote measures to facilitate the provision of services into each other's territory. For this purpose, the Administrative Commission (Article 33) is charged with formulating proposals to this effect, taking into account the negotiations under the GATT in these areas.

2. Maritime and Air Transport (Chapter XIV, Articles 27 through 29)

The signatories agree to grant free access to foreign trade cargo shipments by sea, reserved or not, on national flagships, under conditions of reciprocity (...). Maritime authorities of the signatories will monitor to ensure that there is no unfair competition or dumping in the provision of such services.

The signatories agree to undertake a process of liberalization in air transport, through the negotiation of an exchange of air traffic rights and a complete market opening with respect to the multiple designation of airlines, frequencies, type of aircraft and type of services.

The signatories will work towards increasing the efficiency of maritime and air transport services in order to offer the best rates for reciprocal trade. For this purpose, they will establish a joint program of specific actions to be undertaken.

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