1. We instruct all of the Negotiating Groups to take careful cognizance of all of the general instructions to the Negotiating Groups contained in Annex I of the Buenos Aires Ministerial Declaration and in other FTAA Ministerial Declarations and to conscientiously carry out those instructions and mandates.

2 We instruct all the Negotiating Groups to collaborate with the Consultative Group on Smaller Economics (CGSE) in the implementation of the Hemispheric Cooperation Program (HCP). We instruct all the Negotiating Groups to include in their reports to the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) a section on the treatment accorded to the issue of the differences in the levels of development and size of economies. We also reiterate to the Chairs of the FTAA Negotiating Groups and other entities, the need to maintain a timely and adequate flow of information with the Chair of the Consultative Group on Smaller Economies, with a view to facilitating the analysis and follow-up of the progress of the negotiations, in particular proposals on the treatment of differences in the levels of development and size of economies.

3. We instruct the Negotiating Groups on Market Access, Agriculture, Services, Investment, and Government Procurement to carry out an ongoing discussion of methods and modalities for negotiations in order to facilitate the process of presenting revised offers and that the Chairs of these Groups keep the TNC apprised of the results of their discussions.

4. We reiterate to those negotiating groups drafting special dispute settlement provisions to submit their proposals to the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement (NGDS) in order that this Group may consider, in coordination with these negotiating groups, the compatibility of the provisions with the rules drafted in this area and present their conclusions to the TNC for its consideration, or to the Technical Committee on Institutional Issues (TCI), where appropriate.

5. We instruct the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups and other FTAA entities to present a work program covering the negotiating period at the first meeting of their respective groups.

6. We instruct the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups and other FTAA entities to further refine their reports to the Trade Negotiations Committee, with regard to those points on which there is no agreement within the Groups and which require a decision of the TNC. The reports shall provide a clear description of the differences in positions, indicating alternatives where possible. These reports shall be instrumental in enabling the TNC to fulfill its role as the executive body of the negotiating process, which includes, inter alia, guiding the work of the different FTAA entities, while striving to maintain balanced progress in all negotiating areas, in accordance with their objectives and mandates.