Annex II
Objective by Issue Area
Negotiating Group on Agriculture
- The
objectives of the negotiating group on Market Access shall apply to trade
in agricultural products. Rules of origin, customs procedures and
Technical Barriers to Trade issues will be addressed in the Market Access
negotiating group.
- To
ensure that sanitary and phytosanitary measures are not applied in a
manner which would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable
discrimination between countries or a disguised restriction to
international trade, in order to prevent protectionist trade practices and
facilitate trade in the hemisphere. Consistent with the WTO Agreement on
the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement),
said measures will only be applied to achieve the appropriate level of
protection for human, animal or plant life or health, will be based on
scientific principles, and will not be maintained without sufficient
scientific evidence. Negotiations in this area involve identifying and
developing measures needed to facilitate trade, following and examining in
depth the provisions set down in the WTO/SPS Agreement.
- To
eliminate agricultural export subsidies affecting trade in the Hemisphere.
- To
identify other trade-distorting practices for agricultural products,
including those that have an effect equivalent to agriculture export
subsidies, and bring them under greater discipline.
- Agricultural
products covered are the goods referred to in Annex I of the WTO
Agriculture Agreement.
- Incorporate
progress made in the multilateral negotiations on agriculture to be held
according to Article 20 of the Agreement on Agriculture, as well as the
results of the review of the SPS Agreement.